OBPD arrests Port Orange man for engaging in sexual relationship with middle school aged girl

According to his arrest report, 19-year-old Kyle Lambert met the victim at Astro Skate in Ormond Beach in September 2024.

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  • | 3:00 p.m. March 14, 2025
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Ormond Beach Police arrested a 19-year-old Port Orange man on Thursday, March 13, after an investigation revealed he had engaged in a sexual relationship with a middle school student.

Kyle Lambert is facing four felony charges involving lewd and lascivious battery on a victim ages 12-16, and obscene communication to lure a child using a computer. According to his arrest report, Lambert met the victim at Astro Skate in Ormond Beach in September 2024.

The victim's mother reported the crime to OBPD on Feb. 5, showing officers her daughter's cell phone, which contained explicit photos and videos shared between Lambert and her daughter. She told police Lambert also knows other 11-13-year-olds and may have had similar interactions with them.

Police report that in 2023, Lambert was accused of a similar sex offense in South Daytona.

In an interview with police, the victim said that after meeting, she and Lambert would talk occasionally when he was at Astro Skate. She said Lambert approached her in November and asked if she liked him, leading her to obtain his cell phone number from a female friend, at which point they began speaking romantically. 

The two would meet at a park near her middle school, and the victim reported the sexual acts took place at the park. 

Lambert initially denied the allegations, but later admitted to police that he and the victim had engaged in sexual acts, the report states.

He is being held at the Volusia County Branch Jail without bond.


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