Ormond Beach resident receives odd notes, items from downstairs neighbor

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March 6

Extended stay

2:55 p.m. — 1600 block of North U.S. 1, Ormond Beach

Disorderly intoxication. Police arrested a 54-year-old Ormond Beach man who refused to vacate a local hotel room and hurled a racially derogative slur at another guest.

According to an incident report, hotel staff told police that the man was scheduled to check out that morning, but that he was refusing to leave. The man told police he had paid for one more night's stay, but hotel records showed this was incorrect. Police noted the man appeared intoxicated, and that he used "loud profanities" against officers and the front desk clerk.

After the front desk manager asked police to remove him from the property and issue a trespass warning, the man agreed to gather his belongings. An African American motel guest was standing in the hallway as the man passed by, at which point the man called him a derogatory term. 

That's when the reporting officer began to place him in handcuffs, which the man resisted. He was eventually secured and transported to jail. 

March 10

Note on the door

10:39 a.m. — 6000 block of St Georges Road, Ormond Beach

Suspicious incident. A 28-year-old Ormond Beach resident arrived home on March 5 and saw that a note with several gift cards was taped to his door lock. 

The man, who reported the incident on March 10, told police that he wasn't sure which neighbor left the note, but that it was worded in a way that made him believe they were complaining about him making too much noise. After receiving the note, he knocked on all his neighbors' doors, eventually speaking with the neighbor that lives directly below his unit. According to an incident report, the neighbor admitted to leaving the note, and the man gave him his number and instructed him to text if he ever had any more noise issues.

A couple days later, the man came home to find another note on his door — this one accompanied by a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a roll of double-sided tape and a six-pack of water bottles. The man told police the note mentioned "blood" and "punching bag," which made him concerned and uncomfortable. He worried that his neighbor suffered from a mental illness, and that the incidents would escalate.

Police took photos of the notes and items. 


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