AdventHealth presents Matanzas High School with Safe Sport School Award

Athletic trainer Michael Doersch and athletic director Zach Rigney received the award by the National Athletic Trainers' Association presented to schools that achieve certain criteria.

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  • | 1:30 p.m. March 18, 2025
AdventHealth's Erik Nason (center) presents Matanzas athletic trainer Michael Doersch (left), an AdventHealth team member, and athletic director Zach Rigney with the Safe Sport School Award. Photo by Brent Woronoff
AdventHealth's Erik Nason (center) presents Matanzas athletic trainer Michael Doersch (left), an AdventHealth team member, and athletic director Zach Rigney with the Safe Sport School Award. Photo by Brent Woronoff
Photo by Brent Woronoff
  • Palm Coast Observer
  • Schools
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AdventHealth presented Matanzas High School with the Safe Sport School Award, a national recognition given by the National Athletic Trainers' Association.

Erik Nason, AdventHealth East Florida Division's director of strategic partnerships, presented the award to Matanzas athletic trainer and AdventHealth team member Michael Doersch and to Matanzas athletic director Zach Rigney before the Pirates’ baseball game on March 13.

AdventHealth also presented the Safe Sport School Award to Flagler Palm Coast athletic trainer Ron Steinwehr and athletic director Scott Drabczyk on March 4.

Before the Pirates’ game on March 13, Matanzas administrators, athletic training student aides, Flagler Schools Superintendent LaShakia Moore, School Board member Lauren Ramirez, Doersch, Rigney, Nason and AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway CEO Wally DeAquino took part in the Safe Sport School presentation.

To earn the distinction, a school must demonstrate a steadfast commitment to athlete health and safety by ensuring access to quality medical care, maintaining safe facilities, implementing emergency action plans and educating athletes and parents about injury prevention and overall well-being.

With March designated as National Athletic Trainers Month, AdventHealth ended the presentation by celebrating the commitment, dedication and passion that Doersch provides the student athletes of Matanzas.

AdventHealth partners with Flagler Schools by providing an athletic trainer to each high school. the hospital system also provides free sports physicals in Volusia and Flagler counties. The Volusia physicals are schedule for April 2-5 at Daytona International Speedway (5-9 p.m. April 2-4; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 5). Preregistration is avaliable at

Flagler physicals are scheduled for May 21-22 (5 p.m.-9 p.m.) at Flagler Palm Coast High School. Schedule an appointment time at

The free physicals are offered to athletes, JROTC cadets, fire academy students, and band members entering sixth through 12 grade.

Matanzas administrators, School Board member Lauren Ramirez, Matanzas Principal Kristin Bozeman, AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway CEO Wally DeAquino, Matanzas athletic trainer Michael Doersch, an AdventHealth team member, Matanzas athletic director Zach Rigney, Flagler Schools Superintendent LaShakia Moore, AdventHealth Director of Strategi Partnerships Erik Nason and Matanzas athletic training student aides. Photo by Brent Woronoff



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