Volusia County seeks sites for Summer Food Program

The county is looking for sites to participate in the federally funded Summer BreakSpot program, which will run for 10 weeks from June 3 through Aug. 9.

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  • | 12:00 p.m. March 19, 2025
The Summer Food Service Program offers free food to children 18 years and younger.
The Summer Food Service Program offers free food to children 18 years and younger.
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Hunger doesn’t take a summer break. Children who depend on school meals during the year could miss out on these wholesome meals during the summer months. Churches, social service agencies, and private nonprofits can help Volusia County’s Community Assistance Division feed children simply by providing a safe place for them to eat.

Staff is looking for sites to participate in the federally funded Summer BreakSpot program, which will run for 10 weeks from June 3 through Aug. 9. Sixty-on sites participated last year.

Summer BreakSpot provides meals and snacks to all children ages 18 and younger in geographical areas where at least 50 percent of the children are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. It was created to ensure that children can receive nutritious meals during summer vacation.

Approved sites will receive meals to serve participating children. There is no cost to the organization sponsoring the site, and the county will provide free training.

Applications must be received by April 12. Contact Patricia Hubbard at [email protected] or 386-736-5956, ext. 12984, for an application.


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