Volusia-Flagler TPO ‘Vision Zero’ community workshop held in Palm Coast

“Vision Zero” is an action plan focused on reaching zero deaths within the transportation system. The workshop will be held on April 17 at the Palm Coast Community Center.

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  • | 5:04 p.m. March 20, 2025
Palm Coast Community Center
Palm Coast Community Center
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Flagler County officials are sharing word that the Volusia-Flagler TPO (Transportation Planning Organization) is hosting three “Vision Zero” Community Workshops. The third workshop will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. April 17 at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE, in the Sunshine Room, #112.

“Vision Zero” is an action plan focused on reaching zero deaths within the transportation system. The idea was first adopted in 1997 in Sweden and has spread worldwide since.

“Reaching zero deaths requires the implementation of a Safe System approach,” according to the Volusia-Flagler TPO website. “Applying the Safe System approach involves anticipating human mistakes by designing and managing road infrastructure to keep the risk of a mistake low… When a mistake leads to a crash, the impact on the human body doesn’t result in a fatality or serious injury.”

Road design and management should encourage safe speeds and manipulate appropriate crash angles to reduce injury severity, the website information continues.

  • The Deltona-Daytona-Ormond Beach metro area continues to rank as one of the deadliest areas, and the average yearly deaths continue to rise. (Dangerous by Design, 2024)
  • Between 2019-2023 there were 2,500 crashes resulting in fatal and serious injuries on Volusia-Flagler roadways. (Signal 4 Analytics)
  • Vision Zero seeks to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries on the transportation system by providing a proactive and preventive approach.
  • Vision Zero believes loss of life is not an acceptable price to pay for mobility.
  • The goal of Vision Zero is to integrate safety principles during the planning and implementation of transportation programs.

“We are always working with our partners to make the improvements that will make our roadways in Flagler County safer,” said County Engineer Hamid Tabassian. “These community workshops will provide more information about Vision Zero, and opportunities to become more involved.”

The first two workshops will be held at the following locations:

  1. Wayne G. Sanborn Activity Center, Meeting Room 3

815 S. Alabama Avenue, DeLand (west Volusia)

3 to 5 p.m. March 20

  1. Daytona Beach International Airport, Airline Room, first floor

700 Catalina Drive, Daytona Beach (east Volusia)

3 to 5 p.m. April 3


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