2 letters: Fluoride removal doesn't make sense, resident thanks fire marshal

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  • | 3:00 p.m. March 21, 2025
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Decision doesn't make sense

Dear Editor,

It doesn’t make any sense, from a health standpoint, for the commission to take out the minuscule amount of fluoride in our water, while ignoring the toxic pesticides and fertilizers that emit into our water and air, as well as plastic pollution and the microplastics in our water, seafood, and our own bodies.

Ken and Julie Sipes

Ormond Beach

Thank you, fire marshal

Dear Editor:

We had an excellent presentation by Volusia County Fire Marshall Shane Lanoue on Thursday, March 20, at the Gemini condos. He energetically discussed a variety of topics and imparted to his rapt audience much useful and potentially life-saving information. He gave us a hands-on demonstration of how to quickly utilize our AED when a person has suffered a heart attack. He also covered how to deal with a fire, from kitchen flare-ups to cell phone meltdowns to a burning electric car. His stories and real-life examples were riveting. We Gemini residents are thankful to have folks like Shane Lanoue out there and who are very willing to educate and make us more aware of what to do when something happens. 

Thank you, Shane.

Dan Winfield

Ormond Beach


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