Local Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation's innaugural golf tournament draws over 100 participants

The tournament was held on Feb. 10 at Grand Haven Golf Club. The foundation donates financial and humanitarian assistance to the minor children of fallen servicemen.

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  • | 11:00 a.m. March 21, 2025
Jerry DiMenna presenting thank you plaque to Breakfast Sponsor FSEAT Foundation. Accepting the plaque for Sheriff Rick Staly is FCSO Chief of Staff Mark Strobridge. Courtesy photo
Jerry DiMenna presenting thank you plaque to Breakfast Sponsor FSEAT Foundation. Accepting the plaque for Sheriff Rick Staly is FCSO Chief of Staff Mark Strobridge. Courtesy photo
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The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation (MC-LEF) Northeast Florida Chapter based in Palm Coast held its inaugural golf tournament at Grand Haven Golf Club on Monday, February 10, 2025, with over 100 golfers participating.

The event was graced with beautiful weather and the day started off with a buffet breakfast and a patriotic ceremony with the presentation of the colors by the Marine Corps League Detachment 876 and Flagler County Sheriff’s Office color guard units. Ms. Ashley Estevez sang the National Anthem which was followed by an invocation and then the Marine Corps Hymn.

Upon completion of the tournament, participants were served lunch during an awards and recognition ceremony. The MC-LEF Northeast Chapter Chairman Jerry DiMenna thanked the players, sponsors, donors, volunteers and chapter members for making the event a success. 

Appreciation plaques were presented to the event’s major donors: Wealthspire Advisors; Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staley and the FSEAT Foundation; and Palm Coast Elk’s Lodge 2709 and its Veterans Committee. 

DiMenna went on to explain how national philanthropic organizations that raise money locally ultimately give back to the community. DiMenna told the story of the MC-LEF scholarship recipient Elijah Alfin, the grandson of former Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin. Elijah’s father, Daniel, was an FBI agent specializing in investigating crimes against children. Daniel was tragically killed serving a search warrant in Sunrise, Florida on February 2, 2021. Elijah and his family went on to receive the MC-LEF scholarship within eight weeks of Daniel’s passing.

The MC-LEF is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization that provides financial and humanitarian assistance to the minor children and their families of fallen U. S. Marines, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines and Federal Law Enforcement Agents, as well as aiding the families of former Marines and Corpsmen who serve in state and local law enforcement. 

With the passing of a Marine, Corpsman or Federal Agent, a $40,000 educational scholarship account is opened in the surviving child’s name normally within eight weeks of the parent’s passing. Humanitarian Aid is also provided in those instances where medical or environmental issues exist and are not covered by government insurance. Except for only one paid employee, the Foundation is operated entirely by volunteers who are located throughout the country. As such, traditionally 92% to 96% of all donations received are distributed in benefits to those MC-LEF serve. As such, MC-LEF has been recognized for its excellence and efficiency by the Independent Charities of America. 

Since its inception in 1995, MC-LEF has distributed more than $93,000,000 to eligible parties in support of its mission of “Educating the Children of Those Who Sacrificed All.”

The MC-LEF Northeast Florida Chapter will be scheduling various other events to include next year’s golf tournament at Grand Haven Golf Club on February 9, 2026.

To learn more about MC-LEF please visit mc-lef.org or contact the Northeast Florida Chapter at (386) 318-4130 or follow us on Facebook at "Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation Northeast Florida Chapter."


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