Man found digging in mulch outside of fast food restaurant in Ormond Beach

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March 2

Youths to blame

2:20 p.m. — 1500 block of San Marco Drive, Ormond Beach

Suspicious incident. A 57-year-old Ormond Beach resident called police after he noticed his car had been covered with a milkshake and a raw egg. 

The man told police he believed local juveniles were responsible for the vandalism, which he said occurred either the night before or earlier that morning, according to an incident report. He noted that this wasn't the first incident — and that the juveniles had been behaving disruptively in the neighborhood. 

Police suspected the man's timeline was off. The dried liquid, believed to be the milkshake, appeared to have been on the car for much longer than the man said it was. The reporting officer also noted that the car was covered in pollen, and that there were no eggshell fragments found nearby.

March 11

Dig, dig, dig

3:32 a.m. — 600 block of West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach

Suspicious person. Police responded to a local fast food restaurant after receiving a call about a man digging in the mulch outside of the business.

According to the incident report, police had spoken several times with the 47-year-old man throughout the early morning. He claimed to be digging for pennies, a clogged sprinkler line, and lastly, a motorcycle. The man told police that there are "tunnels" under the business. 

He was placed into custody through a Baker Act and transported to the hospital.


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