Palm Coast breaks ground on Maintenance Operations Center

The Maintenance Operations Center will serve as a central hub and enhance services for the city's Public Works, Stormwater and Utility departments.

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  • | 4:32 p.m. March 24, 2025
Palm Coast broke ground on its new Maintenance Operations Center on March 19. Courtesy of Palm Coast
Palm Coast broke ground on its new Maintenance Operations Center on March 19. Courtesy of Palm Coast
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Palm Coast broke ground on its on the Maintenance and Operations Center on Wednesday, March 19.

The new facility, located at 240 Peavey Grade, Palm Coast, has been the making of years of planning, a Palm Coast press release said. The MOC will serve as a central hub for and increase efficiency and collaboration efforts between vital city services, including operations for the Public Works, Stormwater, and Utility departments.

The project officially began with land development in late 2024. As part of the city's London Waterway Expansion Project, all removed dirt was repurposed for the new site, resulting in significant cost savings, the press release said. 

“We’re taking the first step in this journey by starting with a much-needed fleet facility to service city vehicles, including fire trucks,” said Acting City Manager Lauren Johnston. “When complete, the full Maintenance and Operations Center will bring our Public Works, Stormwater, and Utility departments together, making it easier for them to collaborate on projects across the city. This facility will also provide the space, resources, and technology needed to keep delivering top-notch service to our community for years to come.”

The MOC will also house a majority of the city’s fleet vehicles, maintenance equipment, and more. the press release said. The project will be completed in stages, with the first phase including a Fleet Maintenance Facility. For updates on this project throughout construction, visit


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