First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach seeks construction of new Ministry Center

A neighborhood meeting to discuss the project will be held on April 9.

A rendering of what the proposed new building will look like. Courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach
A rendering of what the proposed new building will look like. Courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach is seeking to construct a new building on its campus, and a neighborhood meeting to discuss the project will be held on Wednesday, April 9.

The neighborhood meeting, to be held at 6 p.m. the church located at 336 S. Halifax Drive, will discuss the demolition of the existing gathering building to build a 23-000-square-foot Ministry Center, which will connect to the existing church sanctuary. 

"Our new Ministry Center will have new technology and a safe, modern layout to add versatility for programming and create new places and spaces for people to connect to God and each other," First United Methodist Church wrote on its Facebook page on March 7. 

To be able to construct the building, the church is seeking a special exception, which will need to go before the Ormond Beach Planning Board and City Commission for review.


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