- March 26, 2025
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Now that the 18-month-pilot program for a dog-friendly stretch of beach in Ormond is coming to an end, Volusia County officials will decide on April 1 whether the program should sunset — or be continued on an ongoing basis.
The Volusia County Council approved the pilot program in July 2023, and it went into effect on Nov. 1, 2023. The program allows dogs on a 0.6-mile stretch of beach in Ormond between Milsap Road and Rockefeller Drive, and was made possible thanks to funding by local philanthropists Nancy and Lowell Lohman, who donated $100,000, as well as Daytona Dog Beach Inc., which gave over $8,000 for dog waste bag stations and provided volunteers.
The pilot program was spearheaded by Volusia County Councilman Troy Kent, who said it's been "wildly successful." The program is proof, he said, that the county can set up a program with guidelines for people to enjoy the beach with their dogs.
"I am super proud of it because I feel like common sense has ruled the day again, and we are slowly, but gradually, giving our beaches back to the people that live here, back to the taxpayers," Kent said.
Nanette McKeel Petrella, president of Daytona Dog Beach, said she looks forward to the decision by the council on April 1. Her organization has been working on advocating for a dog-friendly beach for four years, she said, adding that they're "cautiously optimistic."
"There's definitely a growing demand for dog friendly beaches," Petrella said. "The beach is being used a lot."
She hears heartwarming stories often: From people taking their dogs on their final days before euthanasia, to others celebrating their dogs' birthdays.
"When you talk to them, it's like, 'Yeah, this is my family, and I wasn't coming to the beach, but now I am,'" Petrella said. "There's just so much of that we have heard from people, so we know the support is there, and luckily, we're also hearing support now, more and more from the businesses."
Since the launch of the program, Volusia County reports 12,883 dogs have been observed on the dog beach, which has been staffed by the county's Animal Services division for 31 hours a week. No dog bites or aggressive behaviors have been reported.
Over 1,200 volunteer hours were logged. Volunteers also picked up 3,908 pounds in the stretch of beach.
The county has received four complaints of disturbed turtle nests, but no notable disturbances were identified during surveys of the beach. Volunteers, Petrella said, have instead taken time to help during turtle season, filling in holes left by beachgoers that could prevent hatchlings from reaching the water.
The county additionally reported 326 incidents of dogs being off-leash and 15 dog waste instances, nearly al of which gained compliance through education, according to the staff's April 1 presentation.
While the initial cost of the program — $123,356 — exceeded the donations received, the county stated in a report that continuing annual costs "are not anticipated to be as high."
"Staffing the dog beach to the same level and assuming similar efforts dedicated to ensuring dog stations are supplied with bags would represent a continued annual cost of nearly $100,000," the report states. "However, adjustments to staff coverage and greater use of volunteers could reduce the estimated annual cost. For instance, the lack of rule violations in the dog beach would indicate the potential for adjustments to the staffing from Animal Control Officers to a 50% part-time basis matching the level of service provided at each of our inlet park dog beaches, focusing enforcement during peak periods."
Kent said he hopes the dog-friendly beach in Ormond becomes permanent, and that other dog-friendly sections are opened up in the other coastal cities: Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, Ponce Inlet and New Smyrna Beach.
"I'll be anxious to hear from my fellow council members to see if any of them agree with me," Kent said.
If the council wants to add other sections of dog-friendly beach, Daytona Dog Beach Inc. would be in support. Petrella has submitted a proposal to the county already to continue to pay to supply and maintain the dog waste bag stations — and should the program expand, the nonprofit has vowed to pay for more stations and to have volunteers cover those areas. Adding more dog-friendly beach areas would be good for tourism and would be embraced by county residents who would rather not have to travel to Ormond.
"I'm a block off the beach here in Daytona," Petrella said. "I would love to be able to walk down, take a bucket, clean up and take one of my dogs and walk that area. We think it's a real benefit to the people that live here."
In March 2024, a petition emerged to end the program, citing dog owners failing to keep their dogs on a leash and clean up after them, both in and outside of the dog-friendly beach area.
Part-time Ormond Beach resident and former City Commissioner David Schecter created last year's petition. The pilot program, he said, has been a "failure," and no elected official seems to care, as his concerns, delivered via calls and emails have largely been ignored. Schecter lives in a condo north of the dog-friendly beach, and said he sees dogs there every day.
"This is a travesty, plain and simple," Schecter said. "The county has not done its job in protecting the citizens for regular beach use. The areas outside of the pilot zone continue to have dogs running around all the time. There is no enforcement outside of the zone."
The beach code is clear, he added: No animals allowed on the beach.
Volusia has prohibited dogs on the majority of the beach since it took over beach regulation in 1987. Before the pilot program, dogs were only allowed on two beach parks: Smyrna Dunes Park, in New Smyrna Beach; and Lighthouse Point Park, in Ponce Inlet.
The county's staff report notes that "the presence of dogs on the beach has historically been a persistent issue." During the 18-month pilot program, the Volusia Sheriff's Office Coastal Unit issued 58 citations and gave 714 verbal warnings to dog owners. A total of 749 dogs were removed from the beach. These offenses, the county states, occurred outside of the dog-friendly pilot program area.
"During this reporting period for the pilot program (November 2023—October 2024), Beach Safety staff made 1,017 contacts regarding dogs outside of the dog beach area," the report states. "Although this seems high, it constitutes less contacts about dogs not allowed on the beach than in prior years."
On Feb. 11, Schecter reached out to the Ormond Beach City Commission and Kent, asking for the program to be reconsidered.
"The hope was that the city would be a partner with us and not just go along with what the county has stated," Schecter said.
Ormond Beach Mayor Jason Leslie, on behalf of the City Commission, submitted a letter on Feb. 19 to the County Council in support of making the dog-friendly pilot program permanent.
"Since its inception, this initiative has significantly enhanced the quality of life for our residents and visitors, fostering a sense of community and promoting responsible pet ownership," the letter states. "While we acknowledge the concerns raised by a minority of residents regarding potential rule violations, it is important to note the positive feedback we all have received and the overall broad community approval and success of this pilot."
Kent said it's noteworthy to him that the most vocal opposers to the dog-friendly beach either live in a home or condo on the beach.
"It's just interesting to me how certain people feel entitled once they buy a property on the ocean, that they think that their backyard is only truly for them and that no one else can enjoy it," Kent said. "... You're never going to make everyone happy and there's always one curmudgeon in the group."
A dog-friendly beach is what Daytona Dog Beach Inc., was founded on, Petrella said. But there are other things they would love to do to enhance the community.
"We just see this as the first step of what could be something really special in our area, again, for residents and tourists, and visitors and for businesses too," Petrella said. "... We think there's a lot of positive that has come from it, and that can continue to come from it, if we're just given the chance to let it be."
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